Ferinext Kid
Iron + Folic Acid Drops
FERINEXT KID DROP ( Iron Tonic Drop for Ped.)
Folic 150 mcg
B12 15 mcg
Zinc 10mg
L-Lysine 40mg
Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, Zinc & Vitamin B12 Syrup
Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, Zinc And Vitamin B12 Tablet
Gentle Iron, Folic Acid & Vitamin B12 Liquid
Iron, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, B6, Zinc Capsules
Ferrous Ascorbate & Folic Acid Tablet
Gentle Liquid Iron, Zinc, B Vitamins, Ginseng, Vitamin D, Co-q 10 & L-carnitine
Iron With Vitamin B12, C & Folic Acid Capsules
Iron With Vitamin B12, C & Folic Acid Drops
Iron With Vitmin B12, C & Folic Acid Syrup
Ferrous Fumarate,folic Acid & Zinc Sulphate Tablets